Things Done With Books

Things done with books is a small paper back of collected essays, consisting of book design analyses written by designers. With an emphasis on designing for continuous, long-form text, this book’s primary focus is upon designing with maximum readability, where the typography is ultimately invisible—though still retaining a sophisticated application of some elements such as the footnote referencing system appearing only on the recto. Like the analyses, which range from traditional to contemporary, Things done with books has an historical foundation, with contemporary additions and aesthetic refinements. Self-imposed restraints consisted of using a serif typeface for body copy, and using the Van De Graaf canon of page design as the basic layout, modified for modern perfect binding techniques. Written by designers, and produced cheaply via print on demand services, with the dust jacket laser printed at a low cost per unit, Things done with books is an attempt to become a complete object of design.

96pp + Cover
Mercury Text, Akkurat